High School Articulations

High School Articulations

FREE college credit may be awarded for career and technical certifications earned in high school. High school credentials are listed below.  For a complete list of credentials, see Industry Certifications.

Things to Know

  1. Articulation credits appear on transcripts as a “P” and do not impact GPA.
  2. Credits earned through Articulation satisfy college graduation requirements but may not be accepted as transfer credits.

Get Started

  1. Apply to FSCJ and the Associate in Science (A.S.) degree or certificate that aligns with your high school career program or industry certification.
  2. Review the High School Programs to A.S. Degree Programs to determine the amount of eligible college credit you may earn. Questions can be directed to the appropriate email found within the linked document.

Subject to the conditions of the articulation agreement, students who are accepted for admission into an A.S. degree program or related Technical Certificate shall be entitled to credits outlined in the agreements linked above.

NOTE: Courses are subject to change by curricular or program changes or state mandate. More information on statewide agreements can be found here.