Career Development Banner

Whether you are undecided about your major, need to conduct occupational research on your chosen career or want to develop a stellar resumé, the Career Development staff are here to help.

Our services and resources include:

  • Individual career counseling and advising
  • Career assessments
  • Career resource library
  • Occupational research assistance
  • Matching majors and career options
  • Resumé writing assistance
  • Cover letter writing assistance
  • Specialized workshops

Career Development advising appointments can be made by logging into your Insight account by using your FSCJ username and password and selecting Career Development appointments.


Career Development hours are:
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Fridays: 8 a.m.-Noon. (please note that the office is closed on Fridays during the summer)

For general questions, please email Career Development at

Career Resources
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Career Exploration
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Student Employment
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Employer Resources
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Career Closet
Learn More
What Can I Do With This Major?
Learn More


Phone Number
David MannAdvisor II
(904) 633-5972
Downtown Campus, A1099
Anissa JenkinsAdvisor II(904) 381-3657Kent Campus, B-102
Alan PasettiAdvisor II(904) 997-2786Deerwood Center, D-2400
Lynn LarsonAdvisor II(904) 646-2297South Campus, U121

    Tools for Success

    Gaining Career Experience

    Looking for an internship, part-time or full-time employment? Career Development advisors and our CareerSource partners are here to help you find the right opportunities to meet your career goals. Our resources include:

    • Online job postings
    • Career and University Transfer fairs
    • CareerSource representatives on every campus
    • Connection with volunteer and student organizations on campus through Student Life and Leadership Development

    Job Search Preparation

    The key to any successful job search is early planning and preparation. Be sure to use Career Development services before you launch a job search. Services available include:

    • Resumé critiques
    • Cover letter reviews
    • Interview preparation assistance
    • Mock interview appointments
    • Networking opportunities
    • Job search strategy development


    Career Development staff offer a variety of workshops and events each term for students and alumni. Be sure to view our current events calendar for special events and workshops.


    Endless Opportunities

    Personalized Attention

    If you have questions about your career path, our career services professionals are dedicated to helping you find the answers. Whether you are working to determine your career interests and choosing a career path, or you need help with choosing your major, they are here to help. They are available to guide you in uncovering opportunities to help you gain relevant work experience and prepare you for the world of job hunting. Our career services professionals are here to help you achieve your career goals.

    Questions About Your Future?

    • What are entry-level positions in my career field?
    • What are today’s employers looking for on a resumé?
    • No one will hire me without experience. How do I gain relevant experience while I'm in school?
    • What are the best resources for looking for a job today?
    • I’m interested in a lot of majors. How am I supposed to decide on one?
    • I’m trying to decide on an occupation. Where can I find reliable career information to help me make this decision?
    • I’m not happy in my current career. What other careers match my interests, skills and work experience?

    We're here to help you plan for your future.
