Net Price Calculator

The Net Price Calculator tool is designed to assist first-time, full-time undergraduate students considering FSCJ to estimate how much of their cost of attendance might be covered by grant or scholarship aid. Based on the information entered, the calculator will return an estimate of typical expenses and typical grant and scholarship awards for first-time, full-time FSCJ undergraduate students. The estimates will help you determine your "net cost" — your likely out-of-pocket expenses — to attend FSCJ.

As you use the calculator, please remember:

  1. This is not an application for admission or financial aid.
  2. The results will only be as reliable as the data you provide.
  3. The net price calculator will only give you an estimate of your net price and aid eligibility. The financial aid office provides your final financial aid award.
  4. You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after October 1 of the prior year you plan to attend college.  

Completing the calculator should take no more than 10 minutes of your time. You will need to answer some basic questions about you or your parent’s financial situation, so it might be helpful to have recent tax forms or pay stubs on hand before you begin.

*Future costs and financial aid estimates are subject to change. Results of the calculator are not guaranteed and special circumstances are reviewed by the financial aid office. The accuracy of your estimated awards is based on the information you provide. It is intended for undergraduate domestic students. The estimated awards are based on the assumption that the student will complete the FAFSA.
Net Price Calculator