English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

EAP Mission Statement

The mission of the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program is to equip our students with the language, critical thinking, cultural and college success skills necessary to successfully achieve their full academic and career potential(s). This will be accomplished by providing reading, writing, speaking, grammar and student life skills to English Language Learners (ELLs). Our aim is to facilitate the smooth transition from EAP coursework to degree programs.

Program Description

Florida State College at Jacksonville has programs specifically designed for students whose first language is not English. The EAP program is designed for students who are preparing themselves for academic study and who must develop proficiency in the English language to succeed in their coursework.

Prior to registration, students take the College's current EAP placement test to determine which level of instruction is most appropriate. Based on the results of these placement test scores, students are assigned to Level 4, Level 5, or Level 6 courses with the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) prefix. Each level consists of courses in:

  1. Reading/vocabulary
  2. Writing/composition
  3. Speaking/listening
  4. Structure/grammar

Level 4 classes count for institutional credit. Level 5 and Level 6 classes may be counted as elective credit toward fulfilling the number of credits required for an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree.

All students who test into any level of EAP courses or tested “too low” in any area of the EAP placement test are required to take a specifically designated EAP section of Strategies for the Pursuit of Knowledge (IDS 1107) within their first 15 hours at FSCJ as part of their First Year Experience.

Students are required to complete all Level 4 courses before registering for other college credit classes. Once students have completed or tested out of all Level 4 courses and have completed or tested out of Level V Speech and Listening and Level 5 Reading, they can take the math portion of the PERT exam. Based on their PERT math scores, students may then take the following suggested classes if they need to have a full course load, which is 12 contact hours a week:

  • Math courses - MAT 0018, MAT 0028, MAT 1033 or higher based on placement test scores.
  • Computer Concepts courses - CGS 1060C, CGS 1100C

Students who have passed all Level 5 EAP courses and Level 6 Speech and Listening can register for other college credit courses in consultation with their EAP advisor.

Students who have completed all required EAP coursework can register for ENC 1101 without further testing.

Students may take less than a full load of classes each term if desired or if not on a student visa.

