Field Experience

Field experience is an integral part of the teacher preparation program. Field experience is designed to provide teacher candidates with an opportunity to view the entire scope of teaching in a classroom setting, and to develop the necessary skills to become effective teachers.

Education field experience requires education students to make connections between what is learned in a college class and how that knowledge is applied in practice. Education students will learn what becoming a teacher requires and will be introduced to the profession of teaching. This early stage will involve visits to schools and classrooms to observe the climate of school and the process of teaching to gain a general knowledge of the role of the schools, classrooms and teachers.

The field experience placement varies according to which class is being taken in the program. The placement may be in a public or private school. In some cases, the placement setting may be a community or social agency. For example, students in EDG 2085 (formerly EDG 2701) may complete volunteer work in an agency that works with people of a variety of ages. For placement in a public school, Florida statue Section 1012.465 (the Jessica Lunsford Act) requires students to undergo a background screening and be fingerprinted through the school board of the county where the placement will occur. No one can enter a public school without prior clearance. Specific information regarding the cost and procedures about each county fingerprinting process is included in the Field Experience Handbook located under the Forms section.

Education students should read the Field Experience Handbook and email the Field Experience Office if there are any questions.
