FSCJ Student ID

FSCJ Student ID - Your Campus Credentials

The FSCJ Student ID is the official identification card of the College. It is issued to all members of the College community and is required for identification and access to essential College services. All Student ID cards are the property of the College.

Students are eligible to receive their ID Card once they have registered and paid for at least one course. To get your card, you will need to provide a photo ID, and visit one of the Library Learning Commons at your campus/center. Please keep your Student ID with you while on campus for identification purposes.

The Student ID is required for appropriate use for identification and access to College services and facilities, including College events, libraries and pay for print and copier services.

Your ID card is your key to:

  • Library – Check out materials at any College library utilizing the barcode on your Card. Your Essential Card is required when using materials at the campus Library and Learning Commons as your Card contains your Borrower ID number (see Accessing Online Florida State College at Jacksonville Library Resources).
  • Essential Bucks – Make cashless purchases at pay for print and copy locations at the College for 10 cents per page.
  • College Events – Present your Student ID Card to attend College events for potential discounts.

To ensure durability and validity, do not tamper with or misuse the card, and protect it from damage by avoiding magnets.

By adding value and/or using your Student ID account, you are agreeing to the  terms and conditions of the Florida State College at Jacksonville Student ID card account.

Student ID Card Funds - A College Essential

Your ID card does include a prepaid spending account available to all active students, faculty and staff. It offers a safe and convenient way to pay for print and copy services at locations throughout the College.

How to Add Value to Essential Bucks

  • Online using myFSCJ- Add value online using debit/credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card).
  • On Campus - Add value at any FSCJ campus/center Student Financial Services Office.