College Level Academic Skills (CLAS)

College-Level Academic Skills Test Proficiency

Effective July 1, 2011, public postsecondary students will no longer be required to successfully complete CLAS requirements in order to be eligible for graduation. The Governor signed House Bill 7151 on June 17, 2011. As a result, Florida College System institutions may confer associate or baccalaureate degrees upon currently enrolled students who meet degree requirements notwithstanding CLAS on or after July 1, 2011.

Students who completed degree requirements in the past with the exception of meeting the CLAST, including approved alternatives/exemptions, or CLAS requirements may be identified but no action taken to award a degree at this time. The Division of Florida Colleges (Division) is considering the policy implications and working closely with Accountability, Research and Measurement's Community College/Technical Center MIS to identify reporting issues and possible mechanisms of identifying students who received a degree elsewhere. Therefore, once a graduation process has been implemented, the College will proceed with graduating eligible students.
