Student Information

Research on service-learning shows students benefit in many ways through college volunteerism. They become more engaged in coursework, acquire critical skills, learn about their personal values, explore career paths and develop networks that can help in their future job search. FSCJ even tracks student service-learning volunteer hours so that the experiences can be used to strengthen resumes for university and graduate school applications and employers.

Getting Started

Students interested in service-learning and civic engagement experiences need to:

  • Speak with an advisor to find courses that offer service-learning opportunities
  • Check with professors and course syllabi for specific requirements
  • Complete and submit required forms to professors, which will be shared with the Center for Civic Engagement after final grades
  • Be open to new experiences
  • Search for opportunities through our community partners

Guides and Forms

FSCJ Serves can be used to search for volunteer and service-learning opportunities. It allows students to identify, select and document completed service-learning hours. Students are able to generate and download a report of documented service-learning hours at any time. FSCJ Serves reports can be used to verify service-learning for class assignments and eligibility for student recognitions.

Student Recognitions

50-99 service-learning hours = Certificate

100 or more service-learning hours = Medallion (to be worn at Commencement with regalia)

Additional FSCJ Service Learning Opportunities

Apply your service-learning to Honors Program requirements.

Apply your service-learning to FSCJ Promise requirements.

Apply your service-learning to FSCJ TRIO Program requirements.

Apply your service-learning to FSCJ First Year Experience Program (IDS 1107) requirements.

Apply your service-learning to All FSCJ Academic Degrees, Certificate Programs and Courses requirements and/or options.