Financial Literacy Resources

Do you use a budget to track your expenses? Have you ever requested your free credit report or even read your credit report? Lastly, do you take the necessary steps to protect your identity by keeping your personal information secure? If you need to learn about these and many other personal financial management topics, utilize the financial literacy resources below:


Do you use a budget? Have you ever created a budget? The following information has been created to provide you with the tools you need to create a budget and to provide you with different types of budget calculators.


Do you know your student loan balance? Are you having trouble making your student loan payments? The following links will enable you to avoid defaulting on your student loans and, if you have already defaulted, you will also find information on how to get back into good standing with your federal student loans.

Are you graduating college with excessive credit card debt? Are you starting your college career with excessive credit card debt? Either way, the following information will assist you in understanding how credit cards and credit card offers work, along with how you can effectively manage your credit card debt.

Do you know your credit score? A bad credit score could affect your ability to get a good job after graduation. Learn to manage your credit by knowing how to request and read your credit report, understand what your credit score means, and how to manage your debt in a way that could improve your credit score.

Have you ever been or known someone who has been a victim of identity theft? If you have been fortunate enough to have never experienced identity theft, reduce the chance of it ever happening to you. If you are a victim of identity theft, learn tips that will assist you in coping with and recovering from identity theft.

Do you protect your privacy and keep your personal information secure? If not, you could become a victim of identity theft. Find valuable tools that will assist you in keeping your private information safe and secure from those who intend to steal it.

Do you have a savings account? If so, do you put money into it regularly? If not, learn how savings can grow and how easy it is to save for goals and even save enough to pay for college without borrowing.
