CPT and FCELPT Sample Elementary Algebra Questions

1. If A represents the number of apples purchased at 15 cents each and B represents the number of bananas purchased at 10 cents each, which of the following represents the total value of the purchases?

  1. A + B
  2. 25(A + B)
  3. 10A + 15B
  4. 15A + 10B

2. √2 * √15 =

  1. 17
  2. 30
  3. √30
  4. √17

3. The Greens scored twice as many points as the Yellows. If the Greens scored 28 points, how many points did the Yellows score?

  1. N / 2
  2. N + 2 = 28
  3. 2N = 28
  4. N = 28 x 2

4. In the figure above, both circles have the same center, and the radius of the larger circle is R. If the radius of the smaller circle is 3 units less than R, which of the following represents the area of the shaded regions?

  1. πR2
  2. π(R – 3)2
  3. πR2 – π x 32
  4. πR2 – π(R – 3)2

5. (3x – 2y)2 =

  1. 9x2 – 4y2
  2. 9x2 + 4y2
  3. 9x2 + 4y2 – 6xy
  4. 9x2 + 4y2 – 12xy

6. If x = -2 and y = 5, then x3y =

  1. -40
  2. -30
  3. 30
  4. 40

7. | 3 – 8 |=

  1. -11
  2. -5
  3. 5
  4. 11

8. Which of the following is a factor of x2 + x – 12?

  1. (x – 2)
  2. (x – 3)
  3. (x – 4)
  4. (x – 6)